Acts 15 | Gentiles, Jews, and the Law | Parting Ways Without Sinning

Acts 15 | Gentiles, Jews, and the Law | Parting Ways Without Sinning

Acts 15 provides two important accounts: One is the first church council (the Council of Jerusalem) at which the apostles and elders discuss whether or not gentiles need to become Jews and follow the law to be saved. The decision and the reasoning are foundational for the future of the faith. Also, it serves as a template for future councils. Praise God that we are saved by grace through faith, and that this salvation is confirmed by the Holy Spirit! The second account addresses how Paul and Barnabas part ways over a practical ministry disagreement. This is important as a model for faithful disagreement and even parting ways without sinning.

Resurrection Sunday 2023 | He Is Risen | 1 Corinthians 15

Resurrection Sunday 2023 | He Is Risen | 1 Corinthians 15

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Biblical Patriarchy

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