Restoration is a network of house churches.
We make disciples, gather together, and
equip people to minister.
Restoration is a network of house churches.
We make disciples, gather together, and
equip people to minister.
Restoration Church is really a network of house churches that meet in homes across the United States and Central America. House Churches make disciples and seek to plant more house churches. We focus on making disciples who make disciples, fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). In the context of our house churches, everyone participates. People minister to one another, using their gifts as God works through them. Here's a quick overview of what a normal Sunday morning looks like:
10am: People arrive, drink coffee and fellowship for 30 minutes or so. We see this as absolutely part of the assembly and encourage people to edify one another in this time.
10:30am: We open with prayer.
10:35am: One of the children leads us through 5 catechism questions (a different child every week). We've been using New City Catechism, because it is easy to get in the hands of everyone, and it is sound.
10:40: We have someone lead in singing. We try to sing one hymn, one psalm, and one doctrinally sound contemporary song.
10:50: We pray together using the ACTS model (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) with someone leading each section.
11:05: One of our elders (or House Church Facilitator) teaches. Since we go chapter by chapter, it is expected that everyone read ahead of time.
11:45: Someone proclaims the gospel (we rotate weekly, so a different person shares every time).
11:50: We take communion. We recommend distributing communion to fathers to distribute to the family.
12:00: We have a potluck meal together.
*This house church is not part of Restoration Church proper. However, they are like-minded, faithful Christians, and we are happy to refer believers to them.
House Churches meet weekly (usually on Sundays, but not always). Below is a list of our current and upcoming house churches. However, we are constantly training new house church leaders and constantly open to starting new groups wherever someone is willing to open up their home to their neighbors for a meal and a discussion about God.
On the First Sunday of every month, all of local house churches come together for a combined worship service at 10am. It's not a typical worship service. We drink coffee and fellowship for a while before we get started. We sit at round tables together to make sure that everyone gets to connect. We usually sing a few songs (lyrics projected on a screen). Then pastor Dan shares a short message (25-35 minutes) after which someone gives the gospel. We usually take communion after. We don't normally pass an offering plate, as most of our members give online. We usually follow communion with a meal. Most people hang out for a while as we slowly make our way out.
We believe that every follower of Jesus Christ can and should lead others to follow Him too. You don't have to be an expert to introduce people to Jesus; you just have to know Him. We encourage every Christian to invest in three people every year in order to help them come into relationship with Jesus. The hope is that everyone is doing this in their normal relationships at work and in their neighborhoods. However, we have a few groups that regularly get together to discuss Jesus, pray for one another, and fellowship.
You don’t have to be a member of Restoration to attend a house church, but if you come for a while and decide to make Restoration your church family, we’d like to know you are with us. Scripture teaches that teachers and elders will have to give an answer to God for everyone under our care. So, our elders want to know who they will answer to God for! If you are interested in committing as a member of restoration, let your house church leader know and/or email us to start the process.
We don’t have a a lot of requirements for becoming a member. All you need to do is affirm our statement of faith and agree/sign our Membership Commitment document. However, once you are a member, we expect you to be on mission with us (see the Membership Commitment for details). Membership with Restoration means faithfully making disciples, supporting one another as church family, and advancing the Kingdom ad Christ builds His Church!
Join Our Network
Would your house church like to join our network? We provide training, co-elders, and support. Download our information packet for more information.