Come and See
One of the most powerful invitations in the world is "Come and see." There is no manipulation. No salesmanship. No hidden agenda. In fact, it isn't so much an invitation as it is a recommendation. One person experiences something and encourages another to experience it too.
"Come and see" seems to work best when the invitee is skeptical. I may not believe your word, but I'll believe it when I see it. In John 1:46, a new disciple tells Nathaniel about Jesus of Nazareth. Nathaniel can't believe anything good could come from a town like Nazareth, so Philip simply says "come and see."
He doesn't argue or beg him to believe. He just says, "come and see." After that, Jesus does all the work. I like this, because it means that I don't have to prove Jesus to anyone. I just make the introduction and let Him prove Himself.
In a culture full of people who have bad experiences with church people, the Church is usually viewed as Nathaniel viewed Nazareth. "Can anything good come out of church?" is the general consensus of the first world church. It doesn't even have to be a scandal to create church aversion. Public scandals only do so much damage. The most negative opinions are based on personal experiences. Relational heartbreaks and abuse at the hands of church people make it hard for most people to believe that churches can be agents of reconciliation and healing.
Perhaps this is one of (if not the primary) reason the western church is experiencing a steady decline in attendance. We are no longer publicly viewed in association with our actual mission. Instead, we are viewed as an organization of bigotry and slander.
In a spiritual climate such as this, perhaps our invitation should be less about us or about a building and more about inviting people to come and see Jesus.
Maybe you are among the hurting. Maybe you are among the hating.
The best I can do is tell you that Jesus has changed everything for us. He is the one all this is about. Come and see.